Sell a Product-Tell a Story

Francesco Barone
2 min readJun 8, 2020


And not the other way around.

Marketing was born from the ideas of great men to which fortunately great women have joined, what has never changed is the concept of sales.

The more a product is tied to a story, the easier it will be to sell it to a selected audience. This was the first lesson I learned. Sell ​​a product by telling a story, something that is related to the past or the future, that is relevant and that makes those who are buying it feel that behind that product there is a targeted choice, driven by a purpose and a desire. The advice for purchases, in the early fifties, were not too subliminal messages that simply said how nice and happy it was to have the product advertised. The advice for shopping today and that is modernized marketing must go through veiled gray areas where there are many more prohibitions than the golden years of advertising. The bitter battle between advertisers and copywriters has made the marketing jungle increasingly dense, making it difficult to reach people’s hearts, to get there where network users or simply ordinary people who stroll in search of purchases, keep their desire more hidden.

I will never tire of saying it; the customer wants satisfaction in buying, he wants to feel safe, at peace with his purchases, with the feelings of guilt that bombard him with messages from the competition. Our goal is not to beat the enemy but to win over the customer and let his intention, captured by our advertising, make him become attached to us, to make him loyal to our proposal.

Marketing is heard of every day, articles, blogs, vlogs, experts in the sector, inexperienced in the sector and many other good people who want to sell you their more or less experience, but the small talk is good to place a vacuum cleaner door to door , the small talk is nice and maybe it also makes us laugh but it doesn’t lead to the goal, it doesn’t help the team or the customer.

It takes facts!

A good copywriter must be able to create facts and not just words, a good copywriter must study, elaborate and create a path that is always different and never identical to the previous project. A good copywriter must transform ideas into tangible, real worlds that can be touched by the consumer, a good copywriter is a machine that churns out facts. This is practically my mantra, the juice of a whole life of studies, works and many sacrifices. From the pages, or the articles, even just from a small note, you must feel the flavor of a good story, something to always believe in and which also reveals itself perfectly based on a study of the product and customers.



Francesco Barone

Writer, author, dialogist, visionary. Adventurer looking for pure life. Steadfast reader