Proposal for publishers- Lovers from the parallel world.

Francesco Barone
4 min readMay 17, 2020


A year ago I wrote the first five chapters of a book called Lovers from the Parallel World.
It seemed like a good title for a good book, I’m not saying I’ve written the first five chapters of an innovative book, and I’m not even saying that it was something so perfect that it deserved to be published, I’m instead trying with great or perhaps little cunning to grab the favor of the public, a publisher, a passer-by who happens to decide to dignite my work of attention.
Or maybe this is the letter of a desperate we will find out coming to the end of this matter, probably in thirty years. So I decide to talk to you about my work, hoping in some way to win the favor of a publisher with the courage to publish an unknown writer.

Hunting for publishers — What you should know to fall in love with a plot that deserves to be published.

The first chapter is entitled “An Extra Service” I wrote with the soul of a marketing mercenary who decides to sell something shameless without being provocative but indeed liberating and totally convincing. One of the book’s most important characters, Flores, goes to her friend Sherry’s house to tell her about the latest of the news that has landed in the city. A company has found a way to connect to a parallel world with ours where only men with a wonderful and natural beauty live even with a sense of really deep intelligence, something so innate and personal that to the women who access this service seems to find the true love never really found within their marriages almost at the drop. The company, however, does not use this scientific discovery as a bulwark of humanity, instead creating a commercial empire of which men must know nothing. Sherry, unlike her friend Flores, is a young woman, just forty years old, and would be the first woman of this age to have a lover from the parallel world. The only women so far to have accessed the service through the company called TheCompany are all ladies over seventy years old with little sense of moBut what causes a sense of security in women is the consideration that everything they are doing is legal, and cannot be prosecuted in a courtroom. For richer women this is reassuring news because many of them pay the expensive service to TheCompany with the money of their rich husbands and they really do not want to lose their privileges for any kind. TheCompany assures through its CEO Madame Jaccuse “Nothing you will do with your lover will be prosecuted in a court of our world because it belongs to that parallel, feel free women to dream"desty and instead so much desire to receive love from a younger man and certainly more intriguing than a husband now extinguished than his own ardour. Sherry, after a long chat with her friend, convinces herself and decides to give a test of a day, really discovering what her curiosity convinced her to lie to her young and boring husband, letting herself get involved in what will change her life.
In this unique story set in Pittsburgh there are other characters who rotate their lives in return to the sherry decision. Her husband Daniel, a professor of French who does not suspect in the slightest of the deadly boredom of the wife with whom he has been married for only a year. Flores’s rich boyfriend, John, who keeps her and who is aware of the lover from the parallel world of his partner and with whom he has a stormy and conflicting relationship, which keeps him very attached to her, will therefore not miss frantic quarrels. Flores’s son, Jacob from a previous relationship, is on edge from the addiction to soft drugs and opiates and is a character totally out of the box. He discovers by pure chance the relationship of his mother with these “sexual automatons” as he calls them and decides to tell everything to Daniel. Jacob is looking for a friendship different from the usual and sees Daniel as a staple, an accomplished man who deserves a sincere shoulder to mourn when the divorce comes for his new friend Daniel, or so he believes.
Madame Jaccuse is the CEO of TheCompany, she is an incredibly tall woman who uses her stage possession to get everything she wants. You have two husbands one in the world we know and one in that parallel. A day after a nerve-wracking meeting with the funders of the Ponte project, she decided to make the company’s service attractive even for women of a younger age. Business is fine but her superiors are asking for greater visibility and a slice of clients that are not just made up of older women, many of them in recent years have died right in the arms of their lovers for too many “emotions”. Merl is the husband of Madame Jaccuse, in the real world, he is a weak man and who allows himself to be subdued by his wife in favor of his happiness that does not arrive. There is something in the chain of this couple that tends to break constantly, Sharry notices and is frightened thinking one day of getting to be just like Madame Jaccuse, the woman convinces Sherry to meet only to prove a possible lover from the parallel world specially selected for the girl by a staff and a team of experts of TheCompany. A single encounter with someone in their own world who has never met a female being.

Dear editors and dear readers I hope you have been as excited as I have been writing five chapters following only my belief that until now is all I can afford.



Francesco Barone

Writer, author, dialogist, visionary. Adventurer looking for pure life. Steadfast reader