Eyes, silent accomplices.

Francesco Barone
4 min readSep 8, 2020

Sensations, what people want to read!

One of the first interviews I gave in my life was to a 93-year-old gentleman, Mr. Folker. In 2013 he lived on Lake Garda in a beautiful Italian villa, he was a great collector of vintage cars. I met him who had just got out of his Ferrari 250, I can’t forget that moment, we were inside the driveway of his big house, for his bragging he got in the seat with the car still warm, I went against him and he said

<<Isn’t that wonderful?>>

<<Yes the car is magnificent>> I answered

<<No>> He said and <<it’s not wonderful to still be able to feel at my age, like driving a sports car>>

I think as a phrase it’s perfect to start an article.

The sensations, these vital fragments that with the naked eye can not really be noticed but that are visible thanks to other senses much more acute, I think that even if people do not know it completely they just want to find sensations between the lines of a written content, pure emotions that lead to something that they can evoke on their own skin or find in their own life.

Let’s face it.

Digital marketing is based on sensations, these vibrations that in a few milliseconds find space in people’s lives and if they are created ad hoc they can stay there for an almost indelible time. That’s how social media works, we look at a cascade of content on a tiny screen, letting your thumb flow fast and lingering only a few moments on the most pleasant content for us, or the most disgusting one. The advertising of a prosperous model, the shoes at the feet of a male or female model, sports cars, the favorite fizzy drink, the favorite sport, the holidays that cause people to spend; these are all words that translate into: Thirst for novelty, Actions that we cannot perform directly, Emotions for someone who interprets our desires, Love for risk, explicit sexuality but not completely naked…..here is what we are and what we seek, emotions totally different from those of ten years ago.

Maybe it’s easier to find these emotions in the pictures?

For sure images transfer thousands of stimuli to our brains that words would transfer over three times the time, but words if chosen well, if harmonious, fluid and not too diluted by useless details, can remain impregnated in the human mind much longer. It happened maybe two or three years ago that my social accounts joined as an experienced team of military operations and decided to gather information and bombard me with the same content, something really intrusive and frustrating, not by chance again and again I deleted old accounts to recreate new ones, but the fault was basically mine , or rather my eyes.

Eyes, silent accomplices.

My eyes have a life of their own and perfectly command my thumb, they order and the finger attached to my right hand executes. my brain will also be tired of the usual images but my eyes do not, they go in search of what can impress them for the first eight seconds, the greedy eyes of the usual images to be able to retrace that avenue of emotions tried and tried again, they are the culprits of my absenteeism in novelty. But my brain instead, my human soul is totally tired of models, luxury cars, racing bikes, football and everything that in the clichés is attributed to male pleasure. My brain also needs words that remain etched in the mind, in its personal IO. it’s like an awakening from boredom, I think it’s not abnormal and I don’t think I’m the only one in saying that social media always re-enacts the same content until it wears out hoping that the mind will totally stay, but I hope that sooner or later the creators of this content will understand that they are pushing user franchises towards something faster and more instant that sooner or later will completely exhaust its level of satisfaction.

Words, healing pills for insistent images.

What makes the difference between one content and another are words, only they can act as a cure, as a miracle pill against the incessant search by the obsessive eyes for visual content too identical to each other. The words contain the diversity, the emotions, the sensations that can change a day and the entire course of a content.

Words have an effect, the most enduring!



Francesco Barone

Writer, author, dialogist, visionary. Adventurer looking for pure life. Steadfast reader