Digital Espresso Marketing

Francesco Barone
4 min readJan 22, 2020

Imagine entering a café crowded with people, where each is connected via social networks with millions of other users interested in the bar in question, other millions of users are instead recording a video with their smartphone to expose the interiors of the café. Everyone is using the #CAFE ashtag that is reaching the top of the most followed ashtags of the day, views are skyrocketing, thousands and thousands every minute but none of the café’s customers are buying anything. The coffee machines are immobile, the cups clean and no smell of coffee in the air, the muffin window is full of cakes and cakes because no one is interested in buying or spending for real money. Yet they’re still talking about it, advertising is at its full potential.

All the marketing in the world cannot save the lack of interest of the average user. All their time is just embezzlement with no purpose to buy. This is the real problem we are going to meet on a daily basis, we always use the same media broadcasting channels, and always the same sharing methods. Is this the future of marketing? Great innovation? Selling items in a low price range to an increasingly youthful audience using social networks (which are also losing attendance). Continue to promote following algorithms that often rely on views of a few thousandths of a second without any foundation of interest on the part of the users.

Smartphones have given us one of the most prosperous periods of our chaotic world, they have allowed us to be connected without loss of time, they have made us fast, intelligent, aware but above all free to choose our market, without more compulsion. We are free to buy and spend our money the way we want, often bypassing large Ecommerce and even reaching the source located in China. Advertising, digital marketing has only increased viewership by spurring those who never felt 100% safe to shop online, to become a backbone of worldwide shopping. Now advertising is everywhere and discussions about how impertinent it is in studying our needs and desires are debating in the major news newspapers. The exchange of personal data between the various big companies is about our desires. It’s about who we are and what we’ve been. The next purchase, what we don’t yet know, custom buying is the next frontier of marketing, and we’re not just talking about a pair of shoes you Amazon, or a few euros spent on the new Chinese ecommerce accessible to everyone from their own Mobile phone. We talk about personal knowledge to such an extent that you get to determine the exact day on which you will purchase and the exact product to which you are interested.

One day the self-heating blanket will be able to advise you a good sleeping pill because it has collected the data of your last sleepless night and it will be your computer to formulate the recipe and contact your most trusted courier.

While technology is automating everything, our senses are fading, cursing the day they automated. Our desires have become much more special, the demand and supply of products is changing so much that we can no longer follow a definitive trend, the fashions are even more fleeting than ten years ago, constantly advertising is missing customers who following that freedom gained has stopped being interested and lets itself be guided by a factor of falsehood that is belating the marketing sector: Views.

Who checks that the views are real? Who checks that the views are linked to a real interest and is not the result of a finger accidentally slipped on the instagram screen? Who checks that connected people on social media are actually looking for that particular content? The answer is: None. We’re talking about millions of daily data about customs and customs that are probably wrong.

To go back to the example of the café, people are talking about it but no one is buying.

Giving in to the flattery of visualizations is not wrong, in fact it is a valid method to expose a content or to have an immediate feedback on the interest but what advertising really needs is to reanalyze and centralize the storytelling. I think it’s not enough to create a video of a few seconds to look for as much attention as possible if in the end the viewer does it just to fill a sense of boredom, just because his laziness prevents him from looking away from the blue lights of the screen. But in fact we’re not communicating anything.

8 simple seconds, this will be our next limit, attracting the attention of people trying to make the most of our qualities as writers, setting, dismantling and recomposing content capable of making the story genuine of a product, any it either. The real turning point and to decrease random views towards an advertising product and increase the really interested customers, we have to vary the content, the way to expose and propose it to the public in the form of a story, go back to advertising following the standards of exhibitions, the few simple rules that the copywriter’s philosophy imposes. We are words written with breathing lungs, our genetic code is based on letters and numbers, getting lost in automation by underriding the boredom and multitudes of people who are moving away from social media is the easiest mistake to make.



Francesco Barone

Writer, author, dialogist, visionary. Adventurer looking for pure life. Steadfast reader